Press Release

Metadev launches Quid


Seville, Spain

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Metadev launches Quid.

Quid is a DSL and a web-tool for prototyping and composing Web Components. Web Components is an emerging standard for web development. Tooling around needs to be delivered to help in this endevour. Quid is a first step in this direction.

Quid in its beta phase is offered as a free service. Metadev's intention is to have an open dialog with the comunity to grow the tool with user's requests and customer's needs.

To know more about Quid:

Quid: a tool for composing Web Components on Medium.

Quid, 6 minutes intro on Vimeo.

The tool:

This product launch put in value the core technologies been developed at Metadev for bringing real-time feedback DSLs to the web.

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Metadev (Seville, Spain) is a company specialized in building Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) on the Web with a strong focus on creating tooling for Microservices architectures, User Interfaces, and native cloud development.

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