
Metadev coorganizes Langdev


Seville, Spain

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LangDev 2024 is an international conference devoted to devoted to Language Engineering, Language Workbenches, Domain Specific Languages (DLSs), and Model Driven Engineering (MDE).

In this edition the accent is applied to the aerospacial sector and security.

Metadev and the University of Seville coorganize this event in Seville.

The conference will start with the opening keynote of Marcel Verhoef, an engineer working for European Space Agency leading the efforts in ESA about Model Driven Software discussing how models are used in space mission, unsolved problems, and the challenges ahead.

Langdev will take place in Seville from 17th till 19th of October 2024.

Echo in the local media (in Spanish) El Correo de Andalucía.

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